MEF, public sector needs improving in the first half of the year

MEF tax and social security income 129 in January February

(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) announced that in the month of June 2022 on balance of the state sector it closed, provisionally, with a requirement of 6,000 million euros, an improvement of approximately 9,700 million compared to the corresponding value of June 2021, which closed with a requirement of 15,693 million. The needs of the first semester of the current year is equal to approximately 41,700 million, an improvement of approximately 43,000 million compared to that recorded in the corresponding period of 2021 (84,691 million).

“Compared with the corresponding month of 2021, the improvement in the balance is largely due to the positive trend in tax collections linked to the increase in payments fromVATof the contributions and of other indirect taxes which more than compensated for the drop in excise duties on mineral oils and the increase in municipal taxes paid “, comments the ministry in a statement.

“The positive result was accentuated by the reduction in payments due to the disbursements of the non-repayable contributions by the Inland Revenue which more than offset the higher withdrawals of the Social Security Bodies, the increase in expenditure for salaries due to the settlement of arrears and contract renewals for the staff of the Central Functions sector and the higher expenditure of the Administrations central and territorial “, is added.

Sweighs for interest on government bonds presents a reduction of approximately 140 million compared to the same month of the previous year.
