meeting in congress, the party of Europe Ecology-The Greens makes the choice of stability

meeting in congress the party of Europe Ecology The Greens makes

The members of Europe Écologie-Les Verts were called to the polls this Saturday, November 26 to choose who will lead the party for the next three years. And it was the choice of stability that prevailed.

With nearly 47% of the votes granted to the outgoing leadership’s motion, EELV activists have decided to see the glass half full: the party has gained ground in recent years, with successful European and municipal elections and a union of the left which signed the return of ecologists to the National Assembly. Forgotten, therefore, the presidential exit, which seems to weigh above all on the shoulders of Yannick Jadot, whose list comes very far behind.

With this score, the members offer a comfortable margin of maneuver to the head of the list Marine Tondelier, promised to the post of national secretary, while forcing him to forge alliances by the congress of December 10 to carry out the promised reforms, especially the rise of the party.

What about Sandrine Rousseau?

They also clarify the position of Europe Écologie-Les Verts concerning Sandrine Rousseau. The highly publicized MP sees the motion she supported certainly arrive in 3rd position but without the prospect of being able to influence the party line. Hands will remain outstretched, we promise within the management, if Sandrine Rousseau agrees to moderate her often thunderous statements. No departure in sight in any case for the Rousseau camp, which says it wants to continue to build within the movement.
