Meet RoboBurger – Almost A Restaurant

Meet RoboBurger Almost A Restaurant

We’ve already seen vending machines serving hamburgers; however, they generally offered little more possibilities than microwave ovens. But the color of the business changes completely with RoboBurger.

If RoboBurger The world’s first fully autonomous robotic burger chef appears as. This, cooked the meatballs from scratch; different condiments before toasting the tortillas and serving the waiting customers who want a difference It means added.

The folks behind the RoboBurger, which launched this week at the Newport Center Mall in Jersey City, use this device. “designed to include all the processes of a restaurant in a very small fraction of the size.; an artificially intelligent, self-executing, patented kitchen” described it.

A refrigerator and automatic in a 12-square-foot metal box; There is a self-cleaning grill. And of course, all the ingredients to fulfill an order are included. The high-tech vending machine also features a large touchscreen display where hungry customers can place their orders with just a few taps.

However, local fNot the kind of burger you can find at your ast food outlet.; because RoboBurger is only available in your order ketchup, mustard, or melted cheese Lets you choose whether or not to. When you’re done, you can pay by swiping a card.

A burger from RoboBurger takes about six minutes to prepare and costs $6.99 from order pick to delivery. If it really serves as in the video, we can easily say that it is very tasty.
