Meet Nynäshamn’s new youth council | SVT News

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According to the organization Sweden’s youth council, there is now an upswing in the interest in starting up youth councils around the country. An example is the municipality of Nynäshamn.

There they want to find new ways to increase the influence of young people. Hans-Martin Akleye, who is head of culture and leisure, believes that different types of youth councils have previously been very much about reflecting adults’ processes with, for example, bureaucratic structures around decision-making.

In addition, power has often been given to young people who already have power and influence.

“Should be able to go in and out of the business”

Instead, to let anyone get involved and give the young people the opportunity to decide for themselves which projects they want to run and participate in, based on what they think is fun and interesting, Hans-Martin Akleye believes more.

– You should be able to go in and out of the business. To be able to get involved when you have the time and desire or when you have something you are passionate about, he says.

The youth council’s first plans are now complete. See when they are handed over to Hans-Martin Akleye and hear what he thinks of their suggestions in the video.
