Mediobanca, Nagel: OPS MPS unnatural also for investors

Mediobanca the capital requirement set by the ECB has been

(Finance)-“What the Council said about the offer is the sentiment we have collected: the offer is unnatural” “It is seen From multiple subjects as unnatural for the lack of financial and industrial content “. So the CEO of Mediobanca, Alberto Nagel He answered a question on the attitude of institutional investors, bank members, compared to the MPS Opes, during the call with the agencies on the results of Piazzetta Cuccia in the first half of 2024-2025.

“We will continue to speak with our investors who are often the same as the offerer and therefore we will have more structured feedback,” he added. “But I can assure you that, as it is also highlighted by the stock exchange courses, this is feedback,” concluded Nagel.
