Mediobanca, MSCI raises ESG rating from A to AA

Mediobanca MSCI raises ESG rating from A to AA

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – MSCI extensionone of the leading ESG rating firms globally, has raised the ESG rating Of Mediobanca from A to AA. The assessment reflects the work carried out by Mediobanca in particular on corporate governance issues and in the mitigation of environmental risks, reads a note. It is a new elevation after that of October 2021.

With regards to corporate governance the rating upgrade was determined by the improvement in the composition of the board and by the process of aligning performance and remuneration. Thanks to these factors, according to MSCI “Mediobanca is a leader compared to most of its global peers in corporate governance”.

The MSCI rating has also recognized “Mediobanca as a leader in the commitment to mitigating the renvironmental ischias in the financing activity, in particular with specific credit policies for particular sectors”. Also the improvements in the initiatives of consumer protection contributed to the improvement in the rating.

“The strengthening of an ethical and responsible business model and the pursuit of a sustainable growth path are among the priorities of the Strategic Plan to 2023 – comments theAD Alberto Nagel – These drivers will be critical success factors that will also guide us in the definition of our new Plan to 2026“.
