Medical certificate and sport: in which case is it still required?

Medical certificate and sport in which case is it still

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    Each new school year, the quest for medical certificates to practice a sport lengthens the list of consultations with general practitioners. However, the document is not always mandatory. But when is it required? Let’s do a check in.

    Providing a medical certificate of absence of contraindication to sports practice is not always mandatory. His request depends on the person, major or minor, and the sport in question. In some cases, its validity can also last more than one year.

    In the adult

    A medical certificate dated less than one year is required:

    • When applying for a license in a sports federation;
    • When renewing a license in the same federation, in the 3rd year (the said certificate is valid for 3 years);
    • When registering for a competition of a sports federation, for non-licensed athletes.

    However, in the case of a license renewal (within 2 years of the certificate), a health questionnaire very simple is now set up online to determine whether you need to provide a new certificate or not.

    Finally, remember that a sports structure not affiliated with a federation can also ask you for a medical certificate, but this is not a legal obligation.

    In the minor

    Namely: since 2021, it is no longer necessary to produce a medical certificate, whether to obtain or renew a license, in a sports federation or to register for a competition.

    With the exception of the following disciplines with particular constraints:

    • Mountaineering
    • Underwater diving
    • Potholing
    • Sports, practiced in competition, for which the fight can take n by KO (English boxing, kick boxingsavate…) Sports involving the use of firearms or compressed air (shooting, clay pigeon shootingbiathlon)
    • Sports, practiced in competition, involving the use of vehicles, with the exception of radio-guided automobile model making (motor sports, karting and motorcycling)
    • Aeronautical sports practiced in competition, with the exception of model aircraft (aerobatics, gliding, free flight, etc.) Parachuting
    • Rugby XV, XIII and VII.

    Nor can a school require a medical certificate to take compulsory PE courses. On the other hand, a certificate of total or partial incapacity must be declared for any student wishing to be exempted from these courses.

    Last special case: the presentation of a certificate remains compulsory to obtain or renew a license from a federation when the answers to the minor’s health questionnaire lead to a medical examination. The certificate must then be dated within the last 6 months.

    Are you still a little lost? Note that the Public Service site publishes an online simulator for find out whether, yes or no, your situation requires you to go to a consultation.
