Medical analysis laboratories: a call for a strike has been launched for November 14

Medical analysis laboratories a call for a strike has been

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    The Alliance of Medical Biology union is calling for a renewable strike from November 14. According to its spokesman, Alain Le Meur, the movement should be followed by 90% of medical analysis laboratories.

    The showdown between biologists and the government continues. “We have exchanged several times with the government but the fact is that we are now up against the wall. The measures required are simply impossible for us to hold.“recalls first of all Alain Le Meur, biologist and spokesperson for the Alliance of Medical Biology (ABM).

    Outstanding questions

    The ABM, which brings together four unions and represents almost the entire profession, is today questioning the government on the PLFSS in a press release. The union denounces a planing of 250 million euros which risks being taken from the envelope of current acts, a refusal to negotiate a three-year protocol with the CNAM…

    We had boycotted the SI-DEP (portal for recording the results of Covid tests, editor’s note) for a few days, before reversing our decision at the request of the CNAM, to show our good faith and our desire for dialogue. But it is inadmissible to put so much weight on the shoulders of biologists. We have been exemplary during the Covid crisis, we agree to participate in the war effort by taking 250 million euros from our COVID envelope in 2023 and despite all these efforts, nothing is moving. It’s a feeling of powerlessness that wins us over now, hence this call to strike” adds the spokesperson.

    What’s going to happen ?

    If the strike call is followed by 90% of the laboratories, there is a good chance that the city laboratories will be closed on Monday, November 14 for at least three days. “The medical analysis laboratories will be almost all closed in the city, with the exception of those working for hospitals and clinics. Emergencies will therefore be transferred to these places.“confirms the biologist.

    What will happen next? “No one knows the future believes Alain Le Meur. “However, I want to remain optimistic about the outcome of this conflict and believe that the government will eventually listen to us, this is once again the appeal I am making to them.
