Media: US Congressman indicted for fabricating lies

Media US Congressman indicted for fabricating lies

George Santos, who lied about his work history, education and family background, among other things, was elected to the US Congress in November.

According to several US media sources, the country’s Justice Department has filed federal charges against a Republican representative who was caught in numerous lies George Santosia against.

There is no information about the content of the charges. News channel CNN (you will switch to another service) according to sources, Santos may face court as early as Wednesday.

Santos, who lied about his work history, education and family background, among other things, was elected to the US Congress in the midterm elections on November 8.

According to CNN, the prosecutors of the Ministry of Justice and the federal police FBI have investigated, among other things, alleged ambiguities related to Santons’ campaign financing.

“I’ve been a terrible liar”

First term representative Santos has admitted that he lied about his background in his election campaign.

– I have been a terrible liar, said British journalist Santos Piers Morgan in a television interview in February.

According to Santos, the purpose of the lies was to gain the approval of the Republican Party for his candidacy.

The majority leader of the Republicans who control the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy has said that he will familiarize himself with the content of the charges before making decisions about Santos’ continuation in Congress.

The US Department of Justice did not comment on the media reports to the AFP news agency.
