Media Mogul Murdoch Says It Was ‘Crazy’ of Trump to Cry Stolen Election in 2020

Media Mogul Murdoch Says It Was Crazy of Trump to

For conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch, he was ” mad ” And “ detrimental from Donald Trump and his advisers to claim in late 2020 that the US presidential election was stolen from them by Joe Biden, according to a lawsuit for defamation against Fox News television.

The Australian-American billionaire had launched these criticisms against the Trumpist camp in messages to executives of the continuous news and debate channel, popular with Republicans, the right and the far right, even though at On the air, Trumpist assertions hostile to the president elected in November 2020, Democrat Joe Biden, flourished on the sets.

According to a 192-page document made public Thursday evening February 16 by the American justice in a court of the State of Delaware, the commentators and star animators Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, known for their conservative positioning, made fun off the air of the Trumpists who claimed Biden had lost the election.

► To read also: Murdoch Group media turn away from Donald Trump

These revelations, some of which were already known, are taken from a March 2021 defamation suit brought by a manufacturer of electronic voting machines, Dominion, which is seeking $ 1.6 billion in damages. Dominion considers itself defamed by Fox News, which claimed that its machines had been used to distort election results in several places in the United States.

A tarnished reputation

When Donald Trump advisers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell exposed alleged 2020 ballot fraud to the press, Murdoch wrote to Fox News Media boss Suzanne Scott. In this email titled ” Watching Giuliani! Murdoch called the Trumpists’ intervention ” really crazy stuff. And damaging “, according to the court document.

The founder and boss of the News Corporation empire to which Fox News belongs, now 91, wrote: something terrible, detrimental to everyone, I’m afraid “. Exchanges between Fox commentators have also been made public: Mr. Carlson thus confides to Ms. Ingraham that their colleague “ Sidney Powell is a liar “. ” I caught her in the act, it’s insane “, he writes, Ingraham answering him that” Sidney is completely crazy ” and ” no one will work (anymore) with her “.

The case risks tarnishing the reputation and accounts of Fox News, one of the nuggets of the world’s premier media empire, but defamation claims are limited in the United States by the sacrosanct protected freedom of expression by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

(with AFP)
