Medef: Patrick Martin widely elected president

Medef Patrick Martin widely elected president

Unsurprising result for the presidency of Medef. Patrick Martin, deputy president and as such number two, was elected by the electors, this Thursday, July 6, to replace Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux at the head of the first French employers’ organization. With more than 73.1% of the vote, he is ahead of Dominique Carlac’h, vice-president and spokesperson for Medef, who was a challenger (26.9%)

During the campaign, which lasted four months, the one who is also vice-president of the French Athletics Federation sought to print an image of renewal, while rallying to her cause the other candidates who had launched in March in the race for the presidency – Pierre Brajeux, Guillaume Cairou and Olivier Klotz.

Patrick Martin, the favorite, benefited from the support of a large number of professional federations and regional organizations of the Medef. The new president is at the head of a company with nearly 3,000 employees, active mainly in distribution to industry. It is a continuation of the work carried out since 2018 with Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux. The latter will hand over to him on July 17. But before definitively turning the page on his unique five-year mandate, the outgoing president will take part in the Aix-en-Provence Economic Meetings this weekend.

Supporter of an additional reduction of 20 billion euros in production taxes, to bring them back to the European average, Patrick Martin believes that the climate transition, because of the “gigantic” investments that it requires, “should encourage us to introduce in our social protection a part of pension by capitalization”.

Aged 63, he also wants to focus on training and employability, especially for seniors with the raising of the retirement age. He also wishes to strengthen Medef’s representation with European authorities in Brussels. The leading French employers’ organization brings together some 190,000 companies employing a total of more than 10 million employees.
