Measles in adults: symptoms, treatments, incubation

Measles in adults symptoms treatments incubation

While measles mainly affects children, this infectious disease can also affect adults. What are the symptoms ? How to recognize pimples? How to treat it? How long?

Measles is a viral infection mostly seen in childrenbut can also affect adults. Pimples, high fever and cough are the main symptoms measles, even in adults. How to recognize measles pimples? Can you get measles twice? Is it dangerous? How to treat it in an adult?

Definition: what is measles?

very contagious, measles East a viral infection. Contamination takes place in the air, in particular via droplets of saliva coming from the airways and containing the virus (coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose). Contamination can also occur through contact with objects contaminated by secretions from the nose or throat, for example.

Photo of measles in adults

Photo of measles in adults © SecondSide –

Up to what age can you have measles?

Measles can occur in children, but also in adults. It is all the more serious when it occurs early in life. The only way to protect yourself and young children is vaccination.“, explains Yannick Schmitt.

What are the symptoms of measles in adults?

If it is considered a childhood disease, measles can also affect adults, especially those with immunosuppression or insufficiently vaccinated. As in children, measles causes:

  • a high fever,
  • a cough,
  • nasopharyngitis and/or conjunctivitis
  • a skin rash. “These are small red plates more or less in relief, so-called morbilliform eruption“, specifies Yannick Schmitt, who adds: “after four days, the rash may progress towards desquamation (i.e. a loss of small pieces of dead skin). The fatigue and the cough are still present for several days.“Healing takes place after about ten days.

How long does measles last?

The incubation phase lasts one dozen days. Normally, you cannot have measles twice because the infection immunizes the person for the rest of their life.

What are the risks of measles in adults?

Measles is not a benign disease and can lead to certain complications, in particular infectious at the ENT level (otitis) or pulmonary (pneumonia with breathing difficulties). “In one out of a thousand cases, neurological complications occur in the form of encephalitis, in other words, inflammation of the nervous system. These complications remain fatal, especially in underprivileged countries. In France, as of May 2, 2019, 852 cases had been declared, including 261 hospitalized with one death since January 1, 2019“, slips Yannick Schmitt.

At what age can you get vaccinated against measles?

As there is no specific treatment to cure measles, it is better to get vaccinated to prevent its appearance. Ask your GP to check if your measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination is up to date. Otherwise a catch-up is recommended. “For example, if you were born after 1980, a second dose of vaccine is often necessary! Remember that 89% of cases occur in unvaccinated or poorly vaccinated subjects. Often forgotten, this vaccination is planned for young women since it cannot be carried out during pregnancy..”

Prevention of measles in adults

To avoid catching measles, it is recommended to follow certain basic hygiene rules such as:

  • wash your hands regularly,
  • Do not share everyday objects, especially if you are in contact with an affected person.
  • School eviction is essential for children.
  • Air your home at least once a day
  • Maintain the temperature at 19°C.

Thank you to Dr Yannick Schmitt, doctor and President of the Autonomous Group of Young Installed General Practitioners and Replacements (ReAGJIR)
