Measles has resurfaced, the Ministry of Health has taken action! Parents beware: ‘It can be transmitted even through the keyhole’

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Measles is an infectious disease that has not been in our lives for a long time. Recently, cases have started to increase especially in Istanbul. One child was even taken to intensive care. According to experts, the most important reason for this increase is the rejection of childhood vaccines.


According to the news of ATV Haber, the number of people who refuse childhood vaccinations has increased. Measles, which was on the verge of extinction, has reappeared. According to the vaccination calendar of the Ministry of Health, vaccines that protect against deadly diseases such as tuberculosis, polio and chickenpox are given to all children gradually from birth. One of those vaccines is measles. Measles, which is made in childhood and can be prevented with at least two doses of vaccine and leads to death if not done, is not as rare in hospitals as it used to be. The reason is that the measles vaccine is not given. Increasing cases also prompted the Ministry of Health. Doctors have received notices against measles cases.


Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Pediatrics Specialist Prof. Dr. Haluk Cezmi Çokuğraş said, “Measles has been a suppressed disease in our country for many years. Measles cases have increased considerably in some hospitals. The main reason for its increase is the increase in the number of unvaccinated children in the society. Measles is a very contagious disease. Old teachers used to say to us, ‘It can be transmitted even through a keyhole.’30 “For years, my doctor has not believed me, but they believe something the neighbor says and they share it on social media. Such permanent effects, severe neurological problems are not something that can be achieved with childhood vaccines. Have the child vaccinated according to the month and age,” he said.
