Measles: epidemic alert, what are the symptoms?

Measles epidemic alert what are the symptoms

CHILD MEASLES. Cases of the measles virus in children and babies have exploded worldwide by +80% in one year, while in France barrier measures have reduced its spread. The WHO warns of the risk of an epidemic. Symptoms, treatments, MMR vaccine: all you need to know about measles.

[Mis à jour le 4 mai 2022 à 14h30] Measles is one of the diseases the most contagious in the world in children and babies, potentially serious complications. The symptoms manifested in particular by small red buttons. Today, there is no specific treatment for the virus, which is why the vaccination remains essential. “The number of measles cases recorded worldwide increased by 79%. Some 17,338 cases measles have been identified in the world in January and February 2022, compared to 9,665 during the same period in 2021‘ alerted theWorld Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF on April 27. “This worrying increase indicates a increased risk of spreading vaccine-preventable diseases and could lead to major epidemic outbreaks. Millions of children could be affected in 2022“the two organizations worry. In France, “the virtual absence of viral circulation between April 2020 and March 2022 is probably partly linked to the confinement of March and May 2020, as well as to the maintenance, in 2021 and 2022, of the measures recommended to the population to fight against the COVID-19 epidemic (distancing, barrier gestures, wearing a mask , curfew)” noted Public Health France April 28. In April 2022, 21 major measles outbreaks have been identified worldwide in the past 12 months that have had disruptive effects, Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean being the most affected regions. “However, these figures are probably underestimated because the pandemic has undermined surveillance systems around the world, it is very likely that not all cases could have been reported.” emphasizes the WHO, which recalls that the disease “is almost entirely avoidable thanks to two doses of safe and effective vaccine“. What are the symptoms measles? What is the treatment ? Is it contagious?

Definition: what is measles?

Measles is one of the most contagious childhood diseases. She can also catch in adulthood, and lead to serious complications (pulmonary, neurological). She is recognized by small red spots that appear on the upper duke body, at first behind the ears and on the forehead, then descends. Misconceptions about this infectious disease are numerous, as well as people with little or no awareness of the risks and who were not vaccinated during their childhood. Measles is caused by a virus of the paramyxoviridae family which mainly affects young children and is transmitted through the air. It is not a benign disease and it can lead to serious complications at any age. However, vaccination has significantly reduced the number of measles deaths.

What is the measles situation in France?

Measles incidence by department in France in 2021 © Public Health France

The measles virus is circulating weakly in France, Public Health France confirmed in an April 2022 bulletin, probably due to the measures put in place during the Covid-19 epidemic (confinement, then distancing, barrier gestures, wearing a mask and curfew). In 2021, 16 cases of measlesincluding 5 imported, were declared in France against 240 in 2020 and 2,636 cases in 2019. Three cases were hospitalized, none in the intensive care unit. Two cases presented a pneumonia. No encephalitis and no deaths did not occur.

Is measles contagious?

Measles is a contagious infectious diseasesincea sick person can contaminate between 15 and 20. It is mainly transmitted by air via droplets:

► either when coughing, sneezing, blowing your nosecontact by hands soiled with saliva;

► either when close contacts with infected people;

► by the contaminated objects by secretions from the nose or throat (toys, handkerchiefs, etc.)

What is the incubation time? A person is contagious about 3 to 5 days before the rash appears, and up to 5 days after the first pimples appear. The non-immune environment is very often contaminated, at any age.

What are the symptoms of measles?

Initially, for 3-4 days, the disease is manifested by the appearance of cold-like symptoms : runny nose, conjunctivitis, cough, severe fatigue and high fever (between 39 and 40°). Then follows for a week. skin rash. It is manifested by the appearance of small, very red, slightly raised spots which leave areas of normal skin. The rash is descendingthat is, she first appears on the face (behind the ears, on the forehead, on the cheeks, then on the neck, upper body, before reaching the extremities). During this period, the person is always feverish and very tired. The rhinitis and conjunctivitis go away, but the cough may last until the infection is gone. It can also cause vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Finally, in some cases, measles can lead to hospitalization, in particular for pneumonia or serious neurological complications, which can lead to death. Indeed, complications are present in about 30% of measles cases. They most commonly affects unvaccinated infants under one year of age and young adults. In addition, people with immunosuppression are particularly fragile.

To know : a child vaccinated against measles can still catch it, but in this case it is less strong and less risky.

While the rash, in measles, appears first on the face, then on the rest of the bodythe buttons – in the case of a chickenpox – usually occur on the chest and face, followed by severe itching. Chickenpox pimples look like pink spots, which then turn into blisters filled with a transparent substance which is not Measles pimples don’t (they don’t have fluid inside). For recognize a case of measles, so consider other symptoms (runny nose, conjunctivitis, cough, fatigue and fever). Remember that chickenpox is manifested by a moderate fever, but also by headaches and abdominal pain. If in doubt, do not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice.

Contrary to what one might think, measles is not just a childhood disease. Admittedly, the babies under 12 months are the most affected since they are fragile and have not yet received their first dose of vaccine. However, the most severe complications are also common in adolescents and young adults. “In people over 15, in one out of two cases of measles, hospitalization is necessary”, says the Ministry of Health. In addition, adults who have not been vaccinated during their childhood are at risk of serious sequelae when they contract it in adulthood.

What is the measles vaccine?

the MMR vaccine helps prevent contagion, and is recommended for all people who have not yet been vaccinated. Indeed, no curative treatment exists against the disease, and the only way to eliminate it is to have a wide vaccination coverage, up to 95% (WHO recommendation). “In France, even if vaccination coverage against measles at the age of 2 years is progressing regularly, it has not yet reached the 95% necessary for its elimination. Vaccination against measles is compulsory for all children born from January 1, 2018. The first dose is administered at 12 months and the second between 16 and 18 months. People born since 1980 should have received a total of two doses of vaccine, regardless of history for one of the three diseases” recalls Public Health France on April 28, 2022. The measles vaccine is reimbursed at 100% by Health Insurance for all children from one to seventeen years inclusive (and at least 65% from the age of 18). The injection can be given on the same day as other vaccines.

No specific treatment is recommended for simple measles. In case of fever or secondary infections, your doctor may prescribe a antibiotic. To fight against the fever, he can complete the treatment with antipyretics. In the event of persistent fever above 38.5°C, a medicine based on paracetamol or ibuprofen may be prescribed, respecting the contraindications. Attention, if your child is less than three months old, give him only paracetamol (60 mg per kilo per day, to be divided into four or six doses). It is also recommended to do children drink regularly, not to cover them too much, to ventilate their room well and to let them rest. In case of complications, consult your doctor as soon as possible. Finally, remember that since measles is a highly contagious disease, the doctor is required to report the cases to the health authorities.


– Measles in France, published on April 28, 2022, Public Health France

– UNICEF and WHO concerned that current conditions are particularly favorable for an outbreak of measles, a situation that puts children at risk, press release 27 April 2022

– Measles: definition, frequency and contagion, Health Insurance, April 19, 2022
