MDMA: what are the effects of this drug?

MDMA what are the effects of this drug

MDMA is a drug composed of a stimulant amphetamine mainly consumed in a festive setting. It is the active substance of ecstasy consumed in the form of tablets. It also exists in powder and crystals.

MDMA is a drug that spread in France via techno party movements. It is the main substance in ecstasy tablets. The Ecstasy use appeared in France in the mid-1980s and experienced a phase of significant progress until 2002 around. “Since then, there has been an alteration in the image of the tablet in favor of other forms such as the powder or crystal, then them called MDMAso much so that the younger generation of users consider MDMA as a new drug” note theFrench drug observatory. MDMA consumed in France mainly from the Netherlandsthe leading production area in Western Europe.

What is the drug MDMA?

The MDMA or “3,4-MethyleneDioxyMethAmphetamine” is a synthetic drug that belongs to the family of amphetamines. It was synthesized in 1912, but was never marketed as a medicine. She mainly consume orally, in a festive context, in the form of tablets (known as ecstasy), MDMA powder or crystals, or capsules. It is most often swallowed directly, but it can also be snorted, smoked or injected. Its consumption continues to increase among 18-35 year olds, becoming the second most consumed drug, after cannabis, and ahead of cocaine. Its average price for a tablet is €10 and €54 for a gram of crystal/powder. (Source: OFDT)

MDMA crystals © 123RF

What is MDMA made of?

MDMA consists of MethyleneDioxy-MethylAmphetaminea stimulant amphetamine of the serotonergic system. However, its synthesis process greatly modifies the original molecule of amphetamine, to the point of losing part of its stimulating power and gaining hallucinogenic properties.

What are the effects of MDMA?

Immediately after taking MDMA produces stimulant effects, but less intense than amphetamines. The consumer experiences emotions more intensely with a state of euphoria and disinhibition facilitating trade and communication. Often described as the “love drug”MDMA promotes verbal and non-verbal communicationby the senses, in particular touch (entactogenic effect). She also gives the impression of being able to put oneself in the place of others and to get closer physically and psychologically (empathogenic effect). At higher doses, it can modify the general sensory perception.

effects of mdma
Effects of MDMA © blueringmedia – / JournalDesFemmes

What are the long term effects of MDMA?

Taken regularly, MDMA can create irreversible neurotoxic damage to neurons, causing chronic depression, sleep disturbances, and irritability. It is also the cause of memory and concentration disorders, premature aging of the brain, and chronic sleep disorders.

What are the effects on the brain?

MDMA acts on the brain as an important releaser of serotonin, thus causing its effects when taken and then the unpleasant phenomenon of “descent”.

What are the effects on the body?

MDMA raises body temperature and changes heart rate and blood pressure, which can cause life-threatening kidney failure and cardiac arrest. In some consumers, it can cause acute hepatitis requiring emergency treatment.

What are the effects on libido?

MDMA has a stimulating effect on the consumer’s libido. Due to its empathogenic and entactogenic effects, it also has the reputation of a “love drug” and can be used for this purpose.

How long do the effects of MDMA last?

The effects appear quickly, about half an hour after taking and last between 2 and 4 hours.

What are the risks of MDMA?

MDMA increases the risk of kidney failure because of the significant dehydration it causes. It also disrupts heart rhythm and increases the risk of ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest. A few days after consumption, it can trigger panic attacks, paranoia, or intense depression that can go as far as suicide. All these effects depend on the consumer’s state of health, but also on their level of fatigue and activity. They require urgent medical attention.

How long does a descent last after MDMA?

The effects of MDMA do not last and give way to a particularly difficult “descent” phenomenon for 1 to 2 hours with adverse effects that may be present for up to 48 hours. The consumer then feels:

  • an increase in heart rate (tachycardia),
  • an increase in blood pressure with palpitations,
  • hot flashes
  • heavy sweating
  • a feeling of anxiety
  • inability to communicate,
  • great tiredness,
  • headache
  • nausea

The main risk is dehydration, which is why it is important to stay well hydrated by drinking water regularly. Some users use other substances such as alcohol, heroin or benzodiazepines to help overcome these effects, increasing health risks. In case of nausea and vomiting associated with dizziness and headache, a emergency medical care necessary as these may be signs of overdose which may lead to heart trouble, coma or even death.

MDMA being consumed mainly in a festive environment, on an ad hoc basisdependency remains rare. However, it is often necessary for some users to increase the doses to achieve the same effects when consumption becomes frequent. The particularly unpleasant descent phenomenon increases the risk for the user of consuming again or using other potentially addictive substances such as alcohol or heroin for example. If consumption begins to have consequences on personal and professional life, that its frequency or the number of doses each time continues to increase, medical care is necessary.

There is currently no pharmacological treatment for the symptoms associated with MDMA consumption. When addiction sets in, a treatment by an addiction specialist is recommended, whether in private practice, in a hospital or in a CSAPA (Centres for Care, Support and Prevention in Addictology). One anxiolytic treatment can be offered to help manage the descent phenomenon and the anxiety that has set in. Some therapies like CBT (Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy) have proven themselves in this type of addition.

Can you overdose on MDMA?

MDMA overdose, i.e. consumption of a high dose, is extremely rare among these consumers. She is also the more often in connection with cutting products which can be potentially dangerous for health and contain morphine for example. The fatal risk of MDMA is rather related to the severe dehydration and cardiovascular and hepatic risks. According to the OFDT, this risk remains stable and concerns approximately 5% of consumers.
