McNaughton, Flack announces $2 million in non-profit grants

McNaughton Flack announces 2 million in non profit grants

Southwestern Ontario MPPs have announced over $2 million in grants for 16 local non-profits to invest in what the provincial government calls “critical needs” for their operations.

This includes hiring and training new staff, upgrading facilities and introducing new programs and services, a news release from Monte McNaughton’s and Rob Flake’s offices said.

“Whether it’s hosting social events and exercise classes for seniors, helping those who are less fortunate or giving children memories that will last a lifetime, non-profits are indispensable to our way of life in southwestern Ontario,” McNaughton, who represents Lambton-Kent -Middlesex, said.

“Our government will continue to make historic investments in community organizations, so they can offer improved services for the people who rely on them most.”

The funds come from the Ontario government’s Resilient Communities Fund, which is distributing $95.8 million across the province this year.

The release said the funds are to be used for a “flexible range of needs,” including health and wellbeing for staff or volunteers, adapting programs to meet the needs of the community and facility updates.

“Our government’s commitment to Southwestern Ontario is strengthened by the Resilient Communities Fund,” Flack, who represents Elgin-Middlesex-London, said in the release.

“We are pleased to support our local non-profit organizations with needed funding that ultimately supports our communities with a broad range of meaningful services.”

The recipients include Wallaceburg Adult Activity Center ($221,300), St. Thomas-Elgin YMCA ($190,300), The Quest Center Community Initiatives in Glencoe ($45,000), Municipality of Middlesex Center ($150,000), Special Ability Riding Institute in Arva ($58,000), North Lambton Community Health Center ($93,900), Camp Kee-Mo-Kee in Komoka ($85,400) and several organizations in London.
