McDonalds is redoing the menu – 50 changes

McDonalds is redoing the menu 50 changes

Updated 20.43 | Published 20.36

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fullscreenMcDonalds. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT / TT News Agency

McDonalds wants to get rid of dry burgers.

Now a new menu is being rolled out – with over 50 changes.

Even the classic Big Mac will be redesigned.

Increased competition from companies such as Five Guys and Shake Shack is forcing McDonald’s to act.

For the past seven years, a team of chefs in Chicago has worked to develop the menu to get rid of dry freezer pucks and sticky bread, reports The Wall Street Journal.

Now the new menu is presented, which contains over 50 changes and is described as “the biggest upgrade in decades”.

Among other things, chef Chad Schafer has made a new double cheeseburger with room-temperature cheese and brioche-style bread.

– It melts better. Watch my fingers sink into the bread. Smell, there is a big difference, he tells the Wall Street Journal.

“Homemade look”

Even the classic Big Mac burger is being redesigned.

The steaks should be made in smaller batches in order to be more uniformly fried. It also has a more “special sauce”, and more cheese, lettuce and pickles. The Big Mac will also have a brioche bun in a “homemade look”.

McDonald’s management has high hopes for the new menu, which will be rolled out in the US at the beginning of next year.

There is currently nothing to indicate that McDonalds will have to raise prices due to the changes in the menu. But the company says it’s up to franchisees to set their own prices.

full screen A classic Big Mac. Photo: Tomas Oneborg/Svd/TT / Svenska Dagbladet
