(Finance) – Central Mediocredit – Banca del Mezzogiorno (MCC)controlled by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) through Invitalia, successfully concluded the placement of a Social bond loan – Usecured Senior Favorred for an overall amount of 500 million euroswith an annual fixed rate coupon of 3.25% (Re-Offer Yield 3.285%) and deadline 4 March 2030 (rate BTP 3.5% 03/01/30 +50bps).
The bond loan represents the second issue to the EMTN program (Euro Medium Term Note) of 1 billion euros whose basic prospectus was approved on August 2nd.
The new placement, intended for institutional investors, has recorded a more articulated diversification of Italian and foreign subscribers, if compared with the previous placement, with an increase in overall orders exceeding 1.2 billion euros. The share signed by foreign investors (40%), mainly German and French compared to the previous placement is doubled.
The date of issue of the bond is expected for March 4, 2025 and, starting from that date, the representative securities of the same will be listed on the regulated market of the Luxembourg bag.
Joint bookrunners of the operation are BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Intesa Sanpaolo, Mediobanca, Unicredit.