MC president Robert Hedarv about the relationship with Jimmie Åkesson

MC president Robert Hedarv about the relationship with Jimmie Akesson


  • In 2015, mc president Robert Hedarv was judged to have links to organized crime according to the Prison Service. At the same time, he was charged but acquitted of aiding and abetting serious financial crimes. He has also been convicted of traffic offenses and financial crimes.
  • Hedarv has met SD leader Jimmie Åkesson on several occasions, including at private parties. He describes his relationship with Åkesson as very superficial and emphasizes that they are not close friends.
  • Hedarv claims that he has not done anything criminal within the motorcycle club Comanchos, despite the fact that other members have been convicted of serious crimes. He describes the media attention as a “huge witch hunt” and regrets his participation in events that led to scandals for others.
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    full screen Jimmie Åkesson and Comanches president Robert Hedarv, who was also invited to his wedding at the end of September. Photo: Private

    In 2015, MC president Robert Hedarv was judged to have connections to serious organized crime.

    A year later, he met Jimmie Åkesson for the first time – and was repeatedly invited to private parties.

    – Even if we appear in the same photos, it’s not like we’re standing and hugging each other, says Hedarv about his relationship with the SD leader.

    Robert Hedarv is dressed in a tuxedo when he and his wife pose on their way to SD’s gala dinner at the historic Grand Hotel in Stockholm.

    It is November 2016 and he will soon meet Jimmie Åkesson for the first time.

    – I only remember that there was a dinner and speeches and then we said hello to people at the table. What I remember about it was that there were huge publications about the Grand Hotel renting out the premises to SD, says Robert Hedarv.


    fullscreen The Comanches are relatively newly established in Sweden, but have previously been prominent in Denmark, where, among other things, they were in conflict with gang leader Ismail Abdo. Photo: Aftonbladet

    The year before, the Prison Service’s security organization had written an opinion about the MC president, when he was suspected of aiding and abetting serious financial crimes, for which he was charged but later acquitted in both the district court and the appeals court.

    The opinion states that he was a member of Bandidos for four years, before he left the club in 2012.

    It is further described that he is deemed “related to serious organized crime”.

    “Not even superficially familiar”

    For Aftonbladet, Robert Hedarv elaborates on how he views his relationship with Åkesson, and that he has been designated as the leader of a criminal organization.

    – We are not even superficially acquainted. We have met maybe three, four times.

    But you’ve been invited to his house, haven’t you?

    – I was at a party in his garden once a long time ago. It was so long before this that it can’t even be associated with this. The club was not even thought of at the time, says Robert Hedarv.

    He is referring to the suströmming album in 2018, when the theme was “Have you been to the frissan?” and Hedarv himself wore a large purple wig. In group photos from the same party, Jimmie Åkesson can also be seen, wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and a light blue wig.

    But you have also been to “glitter parties” which are also Åkesson’s private parties?

    – I have no comment on that, says Hedarv.

    But it’s not a one-off occasion when there are private parties and even weddings, right?

    – I was invited to the wedding there as a plus one, it was not my private invitation. It is wrong when it is said that I was personally invited, because that was not the case.


    full screen Jimmie Åkesson. Photo: Peter Wixtröm

    When asked if he stayed with Jimmie Åkesson’s close relatives during a visit to Sölvesborg, Hedarv initially denies and believes that they stayed at a campsite.

    But on posts in social media, the overnight stays are mentioned repeatedly.

    – Yes, but what does that have to do with Comanches, where do we live?

    It says something if you are close friends with Jimmie Åkesson’s immediate family?

    – It is still the case that we have met them a few times, it is not like we hang out with each other on a daily basis as many would like it to be.

    Not talked about the role

    Robert Hedarv says he himself tried to be discreet about his role as president of Comanchas, and avoided talking about it with friends, or wearing a motorcycle vest when moving around the community.

    He should never have discussed it with the SD leader.

    How would you describe your relationship with Jimmie Åkesson?

    – Very, very, very shallow and distant. There are few, few times that we have even spoken to each other.

    What do you think of him as a person?

    – I think he is a good person.


    full screenRobert Hedarv arrives at Jimmie Åkesson’s wedding. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    are you friends

    – So friends, superficial acquaintances perhaps. Where do you really draw the line for friends? When should you call someone a friend, is it just because you are friends on Facebook or friends in general? I know who he is and I’ve run into him at some point, that’s all.

    Don’t want to comment

    Robert Hedarv does not want to comment on the information in the statement from the Correctional Service that he was judged to be related to serious organized crime. He himself claims that he has never done anything criminal in his role as a member of a motorbike club.

    The fact that several people in his Comanchos have been convicted of serious crimes involving weapons and drugs does not mean that the club itself is criminal, he believes.

    – Should you be punished for the rest of your life for doing something once upon a time? If you did something wrong and atoned for your crime, why should it haunt you?


    full screen Jimmie Åkesson and Matilda Kärnerup got married at the end of September. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    Regrets attending the wedding

    In a Facebook post last Saturday, Hedarv himself wrote about the uproar and then claimed that he himself had not been convicted of a crime, which is not true. He is convicted of a number of traffic offences, and also financial crime.

    – When it comes to traffic violations, we can count 90 percent of the population who have a driver’s license. The financial part was about a company where we went bankrupt and they couldn’t find certain receipts that could prove purchases, and I was convicted for that.

    – You have to see the whole and not just like what is written somewhere.

    But you were de facto convicted of a crime?

    – Yes, but it was nothing I was in prison for. I have received a financial fine and I have paid it.

    Robert Hedarv says that he has had no contact with Jimmie Åkesson or anyone else in SD since the attention surrounding his participation in the wedding, something he describes as a “huge witch hunt”.

    Do you regret going to the wedding?

    – With hindsight, yes, because it would have saved so much for everyone else. For my part, I’m used to people thinking things about motorcycle clubs, but here others were affected.
