Mbappé’s appeal to the French people: “Every vote counts”

The far-right National Gathering party is gaining ground in France.
Now Kylian Mbappé enters the debate.
– We know that it is a decisive moment in the history of France, says Mbappé at the press conference before the EC premiere.

France has been shaken by the far-right party National Gathering’s success in the EU elections. After the completed vote count, it was clear that the leader Marine Le Pen received barely a third of the people’s votes.

After the election, however, the development of events has been somewhat chaotic. Among other things, President Emmanuel Macron announced a new election and now one of the country’s biggest stars has joined the debate:

– We know that it is a decisive moment in the history of France. This has never happened before, explains Kylian Mbappé during the French press conference before the opening match against Austria.

“Extremes are knocking on the door”

Despite the fact that the press conference took place the day before one of the biggest early favorites steps into the tournament, the talk was almost exclusively about domestic politics.

– I want to speak to all the people and above all the young people. We are a generation that can make a difference. We see extremes knocking on the door and we have the opportunity to create the future of our country. I want all young people to understand how important this is, says Mbappé, who also had a call to the French people:

– Go and vote. We must be able to identify with our country’s values ​​such as diversity, tolerance and respect. Every vote counts.

Earlier during the French national team gathering, Mbappé’s attacking partner, Marcus Thuram, has spoken out critically against the National Gathering. Among other things, he described the situation in his home country as “very serious”. Now he is backed up by Mbappé.

– I share his opinion. When I talk about diversity, tolerance and respect, I agree with him. He didn’t go too far. We have freedom of speech and the right to say what we want. He said what he thinks and I agree with him, sums up the 25-year-old.

The match between France and Austria kicks off at 9pm on Monday evening. The match can be streamed TV4 Play.

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