Mbappé injured: broken nose and rest of Euro compromised? A mask in preparation

Mbappe injured broken nose and rest of Euro compromised A

The captain of the France team Kylian Mbappé left with an injury this Monday, for the Blues’ first match at Euro 2024, after violent contact on the nose

After Antoine Dupont’s fracture during the Rugby World Cup, the fracture of the nose for Kylian Mbappé ? The Frenchman was injured at the very end of the match this Monday, June 17, for the Blues’ entry into Euro 2024 against Austria (1-0 victory). Kylian Mbappé suffered violent contact in the face with Lens defender Danso, during a header from a free kick. Bloody nose, the future Real Madrid striker was unable to return to his place, unable to stop the bleeding.

It is still too early to know whether the Frenchman will be able to continue the Euro or not, but doubt has already arisen, his nose having indeed been fractured. “Mbappé’s broken nose? Apparently yes, his nose is not good at all. We’ll see. It’s the downside of this evening. Even if it’s just a nose, it’s very annoying for us”, explained Didier Deschamps after the meeting.

A mask in preparation for Mbappé

Kylian Mbappé joined the Blues base camp late in the evening after x-rays confirmed the fracture and should not be operated on according to the information that reached us this Tuesday morning. It remains to be seen whether he will be able to be fielded during the clash against the Netherlands, the next group match for the France team.

“Kylian Mbappé has returned to the base camp of the French team. He will undergo treatment in the coming days, without undergoing surgery immediately. A mask will be made in order to allow number 10 to the French team to consider resuming competition after a period dedicated to treatment,” indicated a press release published overnight.

The evening was nightmarish for the striker who missed big chances during the match, he who has still not scored in a Euro football tournament. Mbappé was still at the origin of the Austrians’ own goal, after an acceleration on the right side of the area.
