Mayor Joins London Public Library Board – Over its flesh’s objections

The Board that Oversees The London Public Library Now Includes Mayor Josh Morgan, Even Though its flesh pushed back on the city’s top politician Joining it.

The Board that Oversees The London Public Library Now Includes Mayor Josh Morgan, Even Though its flesh pushed back on the city’s top politician Joining it.

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In a letter feels to city politicians ahead of tuesday’s city council meeting, library board chair brian gibson outlined concerns over adding a polician with so-Called strong Mayor Powers and the “Outsized Influence ”That Could Pose Over The Board’s Budget Talks.

Morgan, Whose “Strong Mayor” Powers Allow Him to Craft London’s Annual Civic Budget, rejected any notion there would be a conflict if he sat on the board of the city-nightd library.

“There is absolutely no conflict,” he Said. “There is no way that i would go to a board, and BRING UP Any Sort of Strong Mayor or Budget Pressure. . . I WOULD BE Discuss that BUDGES BUDGE Within the Context of the Needs of that Particular Board and what is best for that Organization. ”

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The Mayor’s Appointment was confirmed in a 9-6 vote, with councillors Anna Hopkins, David Ferreira, Skylar Franke, Susan Stevenson, Hadleigh McALISTER, and Sam Trosow Opposed. All Others vote in favour.

The Vacancy On The Board Opened Up After Ward 3 Coun. Peter Cuddy Mosed Three Straight Regular Meetings in Octuber, December, and January – Which Met the Threshold for Automatic Removal Under the Ontario Public Libraries Act.

Cuddy has apologized for missing the meeting and getting turfed.

Gibson’s concern was based on the provincial libraries Act Stating “Only the Board has the Authority to Act on Behalf of the Library; Individual Board MEMBERS Have no Authority to Act On Their Own. ”

Wrote Gibson: “Given these concerns, we Believe that it would be in the best interest of the library to avoid any piermed conflict of interest that that could be from supplementing the mayor to the library board and that a coucil member may beter suited.”

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While the city solicitor confirmed there would be no legal Hurdles to the mayor serving on the board, several politicians urged their colleagues to vote morgan down.

“There is no claim here that the mayor is not perfectly qualified as a member of coucil, or as a person with great knowledge of (the library),” said trosow, the other council cupointee on the library board. “There is going to be perception that there is a power imbalance.”

Morgan Firmly Pushed Back Against Concerns, Including Insinuations that he would not have enough time to the new role, and that he couldn’t balance Both roles interested.

“I don’t need to be told by any member of council when I’m capable of Doing that or not, the way you dooing it for a decade,” he said.

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According to the City of London Website, Morgan Serves on the Boards of the London Police, London Economic Development Corporation, RBC Place Convention Center, Tourism London, and Western University‘S Board of Governors.

In His Letter, Gibson also Flagg a recent facebook post From Deputy Mayor Shawn Lewis in Which Lewis Question the spending priorities of the library while noting the mayor may be on its board.

“This is sayRespectful to Board Members who Volunteer Their Time and Bring a High Degree of Professionalism to their decisionMaking, Library Staff who continues to Provide the HighestRated Service in the City, and Those Who Rely On The Library’s Services and Spaces, “Gibson Wrote.

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The Deputy Mayor Told His Council Colleagues that gibson “Never Bothered” to reach out to him with concern about his post.

Morgan Served on the Board as a Civilian Representative for Eight Years, Including Three as the Chair, Before Leaving to Successfully Run for A West-End City Council Seat in 2014. He Says He’ll Bring New Ideas This Time Around, Including On Capital Projects and Property Acquisitions.

The Library Board’s Next Meeting is set for March 20.

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  1. Mayor Josh Morgan (Derek Ruttan/The London Free Press)

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