Mayor fell from Italian hotel window – died

Mayor fell from Italian hotel window died

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screenRadosław Ostakiewicz. Photo:

A Polish mayor was on a business visit to an Italian village.

Leaning against a windowpane, he fell down and died.

Radosław Ostakiewicz, mayor of Jaworze, a town in southern Poland, has tragically died after an accident in Sardinia.

He was on a business visit together with a delegation of local government officials in the island’s capital, Cagliari.

According to the Italian police, Ostakiewicz was sitting on the window sill of the Due Colonne hotel, lost his balance and fell four floors. There was nothing to indicate that it was a suicide or that violence was involved, writes CNN.

A press release from the Polish municipality describes the death as tragic.

“Our thoughts go out to loved ones. Mayor, family, acquaintances, friends and residents of the municipality. Honor his memory,” reported the municipality’s press release.

The TV channel Polsat news writes that Ostalkiewicz won 93.42 percent of the vote in the 2018 election, which was one of the best results of any mayor in the country.

full screen The mayor was visiting Cagliari. Photo: Roman Babakin
