“Maybe we’ll go bankrupt because of the servers?”

Palworld is a huge success with millions of players. Now the head of the development studio explained that the game costs them a lot of money every month. Because the servers have to be paid for by someone.

How successful is Palworld? Palworld is now said to have more than 19 million players worldwide on PC and Xbox. On the one hand, the game “only” costs just under 30 euros compared to other full-price titles that cost 60 or 70 euros. On the other hand, the game can be played for free thanks to Game Pass.

But success also has its price, because the developer has to pay a lot of money every month for servers. Pocketpair CEO Takuro Mizobe said this in a statement.

Server prepared without regard to costs

What does the boss say? According to a post on Twitter/X by Takuro Mizobe, Palworld’s server costs in February were over 70 million yen. This is what the British colleagues from PCGamer report.

That’s the equivalent of around 440,000 euros. In his statement, Mizobe quips: “Wait, maybe we will go bankrupt because of server fees?”

Why is it so expensive? Another Pocketpair employee comments on this. Palworld network engineer Chujo Hiroto writes in a response to the CEO:

Following the instruction to never let the service fail no matter what happens, we have prepared the servers regardless of the cost. We will continue to do everything we can to ensure that all players can enjoy the game to the fullest!

What’s next? The developers are still working hard to fix a number of bugs and problems. It was only with the last update a few days ago that many critical errors that were causing problems were eliminated.

All guides to Palworld: Are you looking for more tips, tricks and help with Palworld? Then stop by MeinMMO. We accompany the game for you and have bundled all the guides that should help you in a clear list for you:

Palworld Guides: All tips, tricks and Pals at a glance
