May cause permanent vision loss! Our eyes are threatened

May cause permanent vision loss Our eyes are threatened

Exposure to sunlight for a long time; Cataract in the eye, macular degeneration, pterygium, which is popularly called bird wing or meat walking in the eye, can cause discomfort such as redness, burning, stinging and watering in the eyes. In addition, it can cause staining, wrinkles and skin cancer on the skin around the eyes. The mistakes that almost all of us make frequently play an important role in the damage caused by the sun to our eyes.

Acıbadem Dr. Şinasi Can (Kadıköy) Hospital Ophthalmology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehdi Süha Öğüt warned that we should never go out without sunglasses, especially between the hours of 10.00-16.00, when the ultraviolet rays are the most intense and steepest on the earth, and said, “If you have to go out, you should definitely wear sunglasses. Because, if we do not protect our eyes from the sun, the problems caused by ultraviolet rays can lead to irreversible vision loss. Acıbadem Dr. Şinasi Can (Kadıköy) Hospital Ophthalmology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehdi Süha Öğüt talked about our faulty habits that threaten our eyes in the summer months; made important suggestions and warnings.


Mistake: Not using sunglasses

The truth: Being outside without using sunglasses between 10:00 and 16:00, when the sun’s rays are the steepest on the earth, is one of the most common mistakes made during the summer months. Ophthalmology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehdi Süha Öğüt warns that if you need to stay under the sun for a long time, you should never neglect to protect yourself from such harmful effects of UV rays with sunglasses and a hat.


Mistake: Swimming in the pool and sea with contact lenses

The truth: Swimming in the pool and sea with contact lenses increases the risk of infection. In addition, the chemicals used in the disinfection of pool water both disrupt the structure of the contact lens and cause allergic reactions in the eye. If you absolutely must wear contact lenses, you must wear swimming goggles. Thus, you prevent the eye from coming into contact with water. In addition, it is useful to prefer daily disposable lenses against the risk of infection.


Mistake: rubbing eyes

The truth: In the summer, a dry, hot, dusty and pollen environment can cause redness and itching in the eyes. It is a common picture that adults and children get sand in their eyes at the beach, playground and sandboxes. In this case, the eyes should not be itchy, rubbed and washed with plenty of water as much as possible. Dr. Mehdi Süha Öğüt said, “Furthermore, frequently bringing the hands to the eyes increases the risk of infection. In order for the picture not to become more serious, an ophthalmologist should definitely be examined in the presence of infection.


Mistake: Cooling off in front of the air conditioner

The truth: Never go in front of the air conditioner to cool off during the hot summer months against dry eyes. The blowing direction of the air conditioner should not be towards your face in order not to be affected by dry eyes in the environments where air conditioners are located. Ophthalmology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehdi Süha Öğüt stated that if there is a problem in the tear function, artificial tear support is needed and said, “It will be comforting for patients with dry eyes to use artificial tear drops, especially during long flights. It is beneficial for individuals working in front of the computer in air-conditioned offices to work by taking breaks at regular intervals. In addition, air conditioning fans in vehicles should not be turned directly to the face, “he says.

Error: Wearing glasses without UV blocking

The truth: When we think of sunglasses, the first thing that comes to mind is ‘dark’ lenses. Normally, in sunny, bright and bright environments, our pupils shrink, preventing harmful and excess light from entering the eye. However, if the rays come through a dark glass, our pupils are not constricted enough. In a sense, the eye’s defense mechanism is disabled. In this case, if the UV-blocking effect of the glasses used is not sufficient, the harmful rays for our eyes cause more damage to our eyes. “Therefore, dark glasses that do not have a UV blocking feature are harmful to the eyes,” warned Ophthalmology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehdi Süha Öğüt continues: “There is a difference between glare protection and UV protection. The protective feature of the glasses does not depend on the color and darkness of the glass, but on the quality of the glass and the presence of a UV filter. Eyeglass lenses should block UV rays up to 400 nm. So, glasses with UV400 label should be preferred. In addition, the frame of the glasses should fit the face perfectly. Since the small glasses do not completely cover the eye area, they allow the sun rays to enter from the sides, so glasses with large lenses should be preferred.


Mistake: Not protecting eyes in cloudy weather

The truth: We often think that sunglasses should only be used in sunny weather. However, ultraviolet rays are equally effective in cloudy and cloudy weather as they are in clear and sunny weather. For this reason, it is very important to use sunglasses in cloudy weather, especially if you are in the risk group, in order to protect your eyes.

Mistake: Looking directly at the sun

The truth: As a result of looking directly at the sun, macular (yellow spot) damage can occur in a very short time. This can also lead to vision loss. Never neglect to use protective glasses, especially while watching the eclipse, and avoid looking directly at the sun.
