May be time to tie the mortgage rate

It may be time to tie its mortgage rate, says independent economist Claes Hemberg.
This after SBAB raises the variable interest rates.
– If you know that turmoil, then absolutely, he says.

During Thursday morning, the state bank SBAB announced that they are raising the moving mortgage rates.

After almost one year of steady interest rate cuts, the bank raises the three -month interest rate by 0.05 percentage points. The new list rate will be 3.47 percent.

According to economist Claes Hemberg, the probability is now that other banks are following.

– I think so. When they have lowered, they have many times been ahead, so we can very well see other banks hang on, he says in “After five”.

The Riksbank’s message will rule

At the same time, he believes that the other banks want to be more “tactical” and wait for the situation for not being criticized.

– If SBAB can open the door for this question, we can see more increases, but in the long term I do not think that interest rates will be up so quickly, but rather lie still at this level.

Next week will be notified from the Riksbank about the policy rate. Hemberg does not believe that the policy rate will be raised, but believes that the Riksbank’s decision can still open up to the banks on interest rate hikes.

– They will lie still, but their signals that not lower can cause the others to start raising again, he says.

MESSAGE: May be time to tie the interest rate

When asked if it may be a place for troubled homeowners to bind their mortgage rates now, he answers yes.

– I think so. I haven’t said it before. We have experience in recent years that interest rates can be both five and six percent, and given that maybe there are some out there who should think “I’ll probably avoid that concern,” he says.

At the same time, he does not believe that interest rates will rise to such high levels in the near future.

– Maybe in three, four years we can get interest rates that are one percentage point higher. It is not close at hand, but if you feel that anxiety, then absolutely, he says.
