May 6th is World Coloring Day.

May 6th is World Coloring Day

On the occasion of World Coloring Day which takes place on May 6, 2022, the editorial staff of the Journal des Femmes offers you coloring pages to print, in partnership with Hugo L’Escargot.

When is World Coloring Day?

[Mise à jour du 29 mars 2022]. Since its creation for the Staedtler foundation, manufacturer of writing and painting products, in 2008, World Coloring Day is May 6. It is therefore in the middle of spring that children are invited to grab their pencils to indulge in this creative activity! It is also a charity event. In 2022, the company announced that it would donate 1 euro for each drawing sent to the association Plan International Germany, which takes care of children in need in particular.

What is the theme of World Coloring Day 2022?

“Discover nature – in the air”… This is the 2022 theme of World Coloring Day, to invite children to color and draw birds, clouds, soap bubbles, or to imagine incredible balloon trips. By doing this, they will be able to participate in a drawing competition open to children aged 3 to 12, by sending their work between April 1 and June 30, 2022. Many gifts are up for grabs, including lots of creative products. More info on the world coloring day.

Coloring Day on May 6, 2022 © Staedtler

Some coloring ideas

In partnership with the coloring site Hugo L’, find our printable coloring ideas to entertain your child during the holidays or during the weekends in May. More than 10,000 coloring pages can be printed on the site, and many themes are available (animals, heroes and favorite characters, princesses and knights, firefighters, trucks, puppets, etc.). The theme this year is about nature, discover some coloring pages on the planet or the Earth and ecology.
