Maximum of the Piscis Austrinides meteor shower

Maximum of the Piscis Austrinides meteor shower

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The swarm ofshooting Stars des Piscis Austrinides is active from July 15 to August 10. Its name comes from the constellation to which it is close, the constellation of Fish southern. The name in Latin is, Piscis Austrinus, hence the strange name given to the swarm. The first sightings of these shooting stars date back to 1865, made by a certain Alexander Herschel. This swarm is actually made up of several swarms having their maximum stretching between mid-July and mid-August, which makes the period of activity so long.

of a speed of 35 km/s, which is rather slow, these shooting stars are for the most part observable in thesouthern hemisphere. The position of the radiant being perpendicular to the horizon, the meteors seem to rise from it, like a fire silent fireworks.

To observe the Piscis Austrinides, locate the constellation Pisces Austral above the southern horizon, around 2:45 a.m. UT. The hourly rate is 5, so you will have to be patient. As the phenomenon will be positioned low on the horizon, only the brightest meteors will be seen. The absence of the Moon will only be beneficial.
