Maximum of the meteorite swarm of Coma Berenicides

Maximum of the meteorite swarm of Coma Berenicides

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The rain ofshooting Stars from Coma Berenicides is active from December 12, 2021 to January 23, 2022. Like other swarms, it owes its name to the constellation closest to where the meteors come from, in this case Berenice’s Hair.

The first sightings were made in 1959 by Richard E. McCrosky and Annette Posen, who were working to identify meteor swarms. Even today, the astronomers do not know which comet is at the origin of the swarm. However, it is believed to be from an unconfirmed comet observed in December 1912 by an Australian amateur astronomer called Lowe. He was able to see her several days in a row before she disappeared. Lowe sent a telegram to Adelaide Observatory to share his discovery, and that the comet gate its name, as tradition dictates. But due to a position error, the Adelaide Observatory could not observe this comet, which was therefore not confirmed.

To observe Coma Berenicides, you have to look over the southern horizon at around 6:00 a.m. UT. The place where the shooting stars originate is at the back of the Leo constellation, near Denebola, the star that forms its tail.

With a speed of 65 km / s, these meteors are considered very fast. The hourly rate is less impressive, at three per hour. The Moon will be absent, which will make you enjoy a very dark night.

