Maximum of the June Bootid meteor shower

Maximum of the June Bootid meteor shower

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The swarm ofshooting Stars June Bootides is active from June 22 to July 2. Its name comes from the constellation to which it is close, the constellation Bouvier, Boots in Latin. It comes from debris from the comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke, observed in 1812 by Jean-Louis Pons. It would have been rediscovered in 1858 by Winnecke, which explains why it gate these two names.

of a speed 18 km/s, these shooting stars are considered very slow compared to the fastest, which reach 80 km/s. It is better for the observers, who thus have time to appreciate them. It is difficult to assess the hourly rate, which constantly varies from year to year. In 1928, Russians observed an hourly rate of 500! The last highest rates date back to 1998, with a value of 100, and to 2004 when it was 50. Keep an eye on this.

To observe the June Bootids, you need to look towards the constellation Bouvier, which you will find above the western horizon around 9:30 p.m. UT. The absence of the Moon will only be beneficial.
