Maximum of the eta-Aquarid meteor shower

Maximum of the eta Aquarid meteor shower

Maximum of the eta-Aquarid meteor shower

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The swarm ofshooting Stars eta-Aquarids is active from April 19 to May 28. The shooting stars seem to come from the constellation of Aquarius which, in Latin, is said Aquariushence their name.

The first observations of this swarm date back to the year 401, but it was not until 1870 that it was officially discovered by GL Tupman. Six years later, he was associated with the passage of the Halley’s comet.

These shooting stars are very fast, with a speed 66 km/s. The hourly rate is 50 meteors per hour. Moreover, the Moon won’t be there to get in your way.

To observe this swarm, locate around 2:45 UT the constellation Aquarius above the eastern, southeast horizon. It’s early, of course, but 30 minutes later the gleams of dawn will be too strong.

As with any maximum, it is advisable to also look at 24 hours before and 24 hours after, the date announced being only an estimate.
