Max Payne 1 and 2 are being remade!

Max Payne 1 and 2 are being remade

Remedy, the producer of the first two Max Payne games, announced that they convinced Rockstar about the idea of ​​a remake of Max Payne 1 and 2.

Max Payne and remakes of 1 and 2 are on the way! So, at least, approval has been received to start the project. The two games, which will be offered as a package, are not expected to be released in the near future. Remedy underlined that the project is only in the “concept design” phase at the moment.

Max Payne 1 and 2 will be remade

Remedy, the producer of the first two games, presented the idea to Rockstar to remake the games. Rockstar co-founder Sam Houser was very impressed with the idea, and it was assured that Remedy would be given all the financial support it needed for the game’s renewal process. More specifically, Remedy, first 2 Max Payne gamesIt is stated that the remakes of the series will be the same as “the usual AAA quality Remedy games”.

It is stated that Remedy will use the Northlight engine, which it used for Control, one of the successful games of the last period. Max Payne came out a few years after the first Matrix movie and introduced the famous system called “bullet time” to the gaming world. This system, which can be described very simply as the character’s shooting by slowing down time, made a great impression at that time. It is obvious that the producers of the game were influenced by the slowed fight scenes, which we saw in the Matrix.

Max Payne’s third game was made by Rockstar, not Remedy, and met with severe negative reviews. It is unclear whether the games will be removed from the market when remakes of Max Payne games are released (as in the case of GTA).
