Max mocks McDonalds in new advertising campaign

Max mocks McDonalds in new advertising campaign

Last week, McDonald’s had to pull down its subway campaign. This is because it posed a security risk and several travelers reported it.

McDonald’s new burger notice: “We have listened to the customers”

McDonald’s campaign: “A death trap”

McDonald’s campaign was designed so that the text would become smaller and smaller for each advertising image.

Johan took a bite of the Max burger and was shocked by the contents: “Damn”

One traveler found the campaign to be a death trap for commuters waiting for the tube, saying you had to walk dangerously close to the edge of the platform to read the tests, which Today’s news was the first to report on.

After a few days, SL chose to take down the campaign in the subway.

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Max blink to the competitor

Now the fast-food competitor Max has set up an advertisement in the subway, with a small nod to McDonalds.

The campaign, which was created by Åkestam Holst, has text that gets bigger and bigger on each advertising image. ‘

– Coincidentally, we had also planned a play on our good cheeseburger this week, so the media space was already booked and ready. When we saw the news last week, we saw an opportunity to make a small wink at our competitor, says Linus Blom, Head of Brand Strategy & Planning at Max, in a press release that Summary took part in.

Ludwig, 21, made a dangerous discovery in the Max burger: “Lucky I didn’t have time to swallow”

Photo: Åkestam Holst/Campanjbild
