Mauri’s biggest scoop: “The Ipren man doesn’t like medicine”

Mauri Hermundsson can’t stop thinking about people who have disappeared from the limelight.

That’s why he’s making a new season of “Mauri – What happened then?” where we will find out, among other things, what happened to the Iprenman.

It still feels like we can make the Iprena share fall completely here now, he says.

Mauri Hermundsson has made a new season of the program “Mauri – what happens next?”. He says that he thinks this season will be sharper than the first.

– What we have done so far feels very good. We have tried to find even more exciting names. There are many people I have dreamed of meeting, he says.

Went to Greece and looked

One of them is the man who appears on the packaging of Turkish yogurt. They knew his name, but couldn’t get hold of him. Then Mauri decided to go to Greece and physically look for him with the jar as help.

– My biggest dream for the past ten years has been to find the man on the Turkish yogurt packaging. He must be one of Sweden’s most famous faces, but you don’t know anything about him. So we went to Greece and searched for four days, we didn’t even know if he was alive, says Mauri Hermundsson.

“That’s what the Iprenman does today”

In the season, we will also see when Mauri and the team look for the “Ipren man”, who offers the revelation that he does not like medicine.

– It’s still a scoop! He is the face of medicine and so is a bit of a medicine skeptic, so he likes homeopathic medicines and such. Still, it feels like we can make the Ipren share fall completely here now.

What is he doing today?

– He is a happy, harmonious pensioner, who lives south of Stockholm with his wife and is also a Buddhist. So things have happened in his life.

Mauri Hermundsson tells us that the difficult thing is not to find these people, but to get them to come forward.

– The funny thing about these people is that you haven’t seen them for a long time and then they have actively chosen not to be seen, so we have to succeed in turning that around.

Today 13:00

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