Matti Mattsson, who was last in the World Cup final, was disappointed in his ranking, but found a silver border – “The final place is the final place”

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Matti Mattsson’s time of 2.09.65 is the second best quotation of the Finnish season in the 200-meter breaststroke.

20:41 • Updated 9:03 PM

Matti Mattsson was the eighth in the men’s 200m breaststroke finals at the World Championships in Long Distance Swimming in Budapest, Hungary. Mattsson’s time of 2.09.65 is the second best of his season.

Last year, Mattsson won the Olympic bronze in Finland’s record time of 2.07.13. At the 2013 World Championships in Barcelona, ​​the swimmer from Pori won bronze.

The Australian ME man swims to win the competition Zac Stubblety-Cook at the time of 2.07.07. Japan Yu Hagamura and Sweden Erik Persson shared second place with a time of 2.08.38.

Matti Mattsson was disappointed with his time.

– It was pretty weak. Not just somehow left. That’s the way it is sometimes, Mattsson comments to Sport after the race.

According to Mattsson, he was waiting for the time from the beginning of 2.08.

– This is like this. Needless to say. However, the final place is the final place. Still annoying.

Updated 8:49 PM: Added Mattsson comments.
