Matthieu Valet: who is this police officer, elected RN to the Europeans?

Matthieu Valet who is this police officer elected RN to

Matthieu Valet, former spokesperson for the Independent Union of Police Commissioners, could be elected MEP in the European elections on June 9 with the National Rally list.

The former spokesperson for the Independent Union of Police Commissioners, Matthieu Valet, appeared in seventh position on the list led by Jordan Bardella and has just run for a seat in the European Parliament, in view of the results of the RN during the 2024 European elections ( 33% of the votes according to initial estimates). Its objective is clear: “to straighten out our country and put France back in order”.
He announced on CNews and Europe 1 in April that he was joining the party: “I am proud to join the great political movement of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella.” “I believe that in a France which is in a state of absolute emergency, with our institutions which are collapsing, the RN is the only party to have the courage to defend the French at heart and spirit”, he had justified.

Aged 38 and originally from Lille, Matthieu Valet worked for several years in Île-de-France. He was notably deputy head of the Anti-Crime Brigade (Bac) in Val-de-Marne, before going into exile in the south of France. Raised “in a 15-story tower in a city in Lille”, then “became a peacekeeper”, he assures us that “we gave him nothing (…) and that he went to get everything with the teeth”. He managed to rise to the rank of police commissioner. Union leader, well-publicized, he is regularly invited on television sets and in the media. In November 2023, The chained Duck revealed that he was suspected by the police ethics department of having embezzled SNCF vouchers from several of his colleagues, for nearly 1,000 euros. He received a reprimand from his superiors for these facts.

A position lost for a place with Bardella

Spokesperson for the Independent Union of Police Commissioners, he was finally dismissed from this function at the end of 2023, due to possible joining the National Rally list. In April 2024, he then placed himself on leave from the police for “personal convenience”, that is to say he temporarily stopped working, before officially announcing that he was joining Jordan Bardella.

The policeman was very well received by the party. On the social network The head of the National Rally list, Jordan Bardella, had wished a “welcome” to a “man on the ground in a France in the grip of savagery”.
