Mattarella signs the maneuver, the POS threshold remains at 60 euros

Mattarella signs the maneuver the POS threshold remains at 60

(Finance) – The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, signed the Budget law. Previously, the text of the maneuver had been stamped by the State Accounting Office and formally sent to the Room. Stay fixed at 60 euros the obligation to accept digital payments by card and debit card, without incurring penalties. The items in total go up to 174 versus 156 in the last draft.

Metro C in Rome: 50 million euros – For the completion of the T2 section, the construction of the Tl section and the contractual adjustment for higher costs of the T3 section of the Rome metro C, the maneuver authorizes an expenditure of 50 million euros for each of the years 2023, 2024, 2025, of 100 million euros for each of the years 2026 and 2027, of 200 million euros for each of the years 2028 and 2029, of 500 million for each of the years 2030 and 2031 and of 450 million for the year 2032. These – reports the stamped text – constitute the maximum limit of the contribution of the State to the costs deriving from the construction of the sections.

400 million for Cortina Milano 2026 – To ensure the implementation of the overall plan of the works for the Cortina Milan 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the stamped text of the maneuver provides for an expenditure authorization of 400 million euros, of which 120 million for 2024, 140 million for 2025 and 140 million for 2026.

“There is no doubt that the problem of tax evasion is serious for any country, it is important for ItalyIn fact, much has been done, much work is being done and in the Pnrr this is a theme underlined with great concreteness and indications. It has already been defined with the European Union and there are no signs that it will be changed”, said the Head of State Mattarella, answering a question in the press conference at the end of the talks with the President of the Swiss Confederation, Ignazio Cassis.

“All the political forces are satisfied, in the work of the commission and of the Chamber we will try to bring some improvements but nothing overwhelming because the text already responds to our expectations. We have given ourselves a working method on deadlines and working times – he explained -, we have looked at the calendar of the various decrees that we will have in the month of December, we are starting to make hypotheses on how to set up the work in the Chamber, only of this we have spoken. There is not only the maneuver, there are the justice decrees, NATO, the Aid quater, it is a very crowded December from a parliamentary point of view”, said the leader of the League in the Chamber, Riccardo Molinari, at the end of the majority meeting at Palazzo Chigi on the manoeuvre.
