Mattarella: “School is the pillar of the Republic, now adequate resources”

Mattarella School is the pillar of the Republic now adequate

(Finance) – In the presence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarellaand of the Minister of Education and Merit, Joseph Valditara, The 24th edition of the “Vittorio Emanuele II” National Boarding School in Cagliari took place at the “Tutti a Scuola”, the inauguration ceremony of the new school year. The event – ​​the Quirinale announced in a note – was animated by delegations of students from all over the country and by personalities from the world of music, entertainment, sports, scientific dissemination, and culture. During the event, some Institutes that have distinguished themselves in creative activities and cultural exploration in the last school year performed.

“Sometimes, – he said Mattarella – our time, dominated by the obsession of the present, of the here and now, risks making us forget that educational commitment represents a fundamental pillar of the life of the Republic. The future of our society strictly depends on the quality of the educational system. It must be dedicated to adequate indispensable resources, and ideas, care, attention. School is not a bubble, an enclosure, a world apart. But an organism that lives in society and contributes to its progress”.

“We can no longer turn a blind eye to so many news stories, to so many episodes of varying severity but all intolerable – he underlined President of the Republic – Youth distress is a major and urgent national issue, which must be addressed with all the commitment and means available. Without indulgences or laxity, which are also counter-educational, but without even nurturing the illusion that everything can be resolved through an exclusively security perspective”.

“The cohesion of society also passes through the territories. I would like to underline this here, in the capital of Sardinia. Reducing the gaps, which from the territory are projected onto the same rights of citizenship, is also a task to which the Constitution directly calls us – he stated Mattarella –. School, that is, the opening to the world and to the social life of children, adolescents, young people, must be equipped with structures that favor this inclusion, including, in addition to the tools of classical teaching, the possibility of approaching music, the arts, sports. Unfortunately, many schools, and entire areas, lack adequate means”.

“We must make the most of the opportunity offered by the great European Recovery Plan, known as PNRR, which is already helping us to increase the safety of school buildings. It is necessary – added the President of the Republic – continue on this virtuous path, making Europe a central investor in strategic sectors that open to the future. School is certainly one of these. And Europe is the horizon of our school”.

“Teachers, principals, teachers and support staff are asked to do a lot; sometimes too much. Even with salaries that are often not up to par with other European countries. This is a very important aspect that must be addressed concretely – concluded the head of state –. All of them have and must always have the awareness and pride of playing a valuable role for our society: that of forming and educating growing citizens. The future of our Italy largely depends on their work, often silent and unknown”.
