Mattarella: ‘Safeguarding the planet is the main challenge for humanity’

Mattarella Safeguarding the planet is the main challenge for humanity

(Finance) – “La safeguarding the planet it is the main challenge that humanity has before it, from which we are often distracted by wars, by conflicts, by terrorism, by phenomena that we would not like to see but which are frequent”. The President of the Republic said this, Sergio Mattarelladuring the meeting with the Italian Winter Sports Federation.

“After all – concluded the Head of State – who can be more sensitive to this issue which is so decisive for the future than the people who frequent and love the mountains?”.

The President of CONI spoke during the meeting Giovanni Malagòthe President of the Italian Winter Sports Federation Flavio Roda and Olympic Athletes Federica Brignone and Sofia Goggia. At the end, President Mattarella addressed a greeting. Present were the General Secretary of the Italian Winter Sports Federation, Loretta Piroia and athletes representing all the disciplines belonging to the Fisi.
