Mattarella at the Anci assembly: PNRR will condition part of our future

Mattarella at the Anci assembly PNRR will condition part of

(Finance) – With the intervention of the President of the Republic, Sergius Mattarellaopened at Bergamo the 39th ANCI national assembly, scheduled until 24 November at the exhibition center of the Orobic capital, which this year is the capital of volunteering waiting to become, together with Brescia, Capital of Culture 2023. “The voice of the country. To give the speak to our communities” is the leitmotif of the three days, which sees administrators and businesses face to face, from PNRR to expensive-energy. In addition to President Mattarella, who landed at Bergamo airport, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and 14 ministers are also expected. It is Sergio Mattarella’s fifth time in Bergamo during his double presidential mandate.

“The way in which we will be able to use and put to good use the resources made available by the EU will condition a part of the future, not only of the country, but of the entire continent – ​​declared the President of the Republic -. PNRR it is an appointment that Italy cannot avoid. We have the opportunity to fill delays structuralto strengthen strategies of development sustainableto modernize the PA to lengthen the pace in innovation, to enhance the welfare. There is the possibility to reduce one’s internal imbalances, to keep up with the times, to accelerate in the ecological and digital transitions“.

Mattarella then wanted to recall the lessons to be drawn from pandemic. “The terrible images of the military trucks that carry off the coffins of so many people who died because of the virus, people who in many cases have left us without greetings from family members, without a prayer at their funeral. We will not forget them. They represent a permanent warning. A severe and not ephemeral appeal to responsibility. Celebrating the Anci assembly here means awareness of the lessons deriving from the pandemic ”, he underlined.

“The autonomy locals have been recognized as a value since 1957 with the establishment of the Permanent Conference of regional and local authorities at the initiative of the Council of Europe”, said President Mattarella. “The European Committee of
Regions today brings together representatives of the elected representatives of cities and regions of the 27 member countries and constitutes an important consultative body which expresses obligatory opinions to the Commission and the European Council and to the Strasbourg Parliament itself. So the autonomies are the protagonists in the democratic process that innervates and strengthens the path of European unity “, he added.

“THE Common I’m Italy. I am the Republic, as stated in article 114 of the Constitution. The almost 9,000 Municipalities fulfill, with equal dignity and commitment, the responsibility of supporting our communities, offering services of a universal nature – declared the President of the Republic -. There Constitution sanctions the principle of equality for the citizens and, of course, it applies to the Municipalities, which must all be put in a position to fulfill the tasks entrusted to them, in order to contribute to the realization of the constitutional principle of the equal dignity of citizens”.

In the end, Sergius Mattarella praised the European reaction to the war in Ukraine. “Today one war in Europe, provoked
since Russia’s aggression, it is making us fall back into fear of a nightmare that we thought would never come again. A war marked by atrocious cruelties and the intention of keeping millions of people in the dark and cold in winter – he said -. Of
in the face of these crimes EU he reacted compactly, reassuring solidarity to Ukraine and its resistance. An important reaction, which has as its horizon the construction of a peace right And necessarycapable of restoring to that country the full independence violated”.
