Mats Rönngren’s happiness over the tax reduction on mobile homes

The government and the Sweden Democrats want to lower the tax on mobile homes, which they believe has become too high since the increased vehicle tax – malus, was introduced in 2018.

“Therefore, the government proposes in the budget bill for 2025 that mobile homes should no longer be subject to malus. The proposal is estimated to cost SEK 90 million per year starting in 2025,” Tidöpartierna writes in a press release.

He usually travels there

Someone who is happy about that news is motorhome enthusiast Mats Rönngren from Ludvika, who is often out with his partner and driving.

– It is very good. It will have a positive effect on me in order to dare to switch to a newer mobile home in the future. Above all, it is good for the resale value of new mobile homes, he says.

The proposal is supposed to come into force on February 1, 2025, and Mats says that he will drive about as much as now – and he usually drives in both Sweden and large parts of Europe.

– I usually travel in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland and northern Germany. Going forward, we intend to go towards southern Europe. The freedom of having the option to go without directly planning the trip makes it relaxing. I don’t really like being away, but with the motor home you have home with you, he says.

That’s how much a motorhome owner saves

On X writes the Sweden Democrats that a mobile home that is parked for a good third of the year means that the owner gets a reduced vehicle tax of approximately SEK 7,000 per year or approximately SEK 21,000 during the entire three-year malus period.

Mats Rönngren is happy to be able to save money and does not like the red-green initiative in 2018 which meant a higher vehicle tax for petrol and diesel-powered mobile homes.

– It was really bad as it affects one’s leisure interests, he says.

Now that more people are driving more, some believe that the environment is negatively affected. How do you think about it?

– Motorhome driving has minimal impact on the environment if everything else is taken into account, for example coal power plants, oil power plants, aviation, ships, industry and so on.
