Mathilde Seigner lost 10 kilos after menopause thanks to this somewhat controversial diet

Mathilde Seigner without filter on aesthetic medicine I wont hide

In a recent interview with France Dimanche, Mathilde Seigner explained how she lost so many pounds after menopause. Find out about the diet she followed.

From June 4 to 8, Mathilde Seigner is participating in the Aix-les-Bains French Cinema & Gastronomy Festival, of which she is the godmother this year. The opportunity for the 56-year-old actress to discuss her recent weight loss in an interview to be discovered in the latest issue of France Sunday.

Mathilde Seigner’s slimming tip

In order to stay in shape and maintain a slender figure, Mathilde Seigner has more than one trick up her sleeve. If she claims that her “relationship with food is healthy”the one who loves to eat frog legs, sweetbreads and kidneys had to see his food upon arrival of menopause. As she explains to France Sundaythe star of the saga Camping took the initiative to face this inevitable stage of life: “When I entered menopause I had gained around ten kilos, lost thanks to an extraordinary woman, Doctor Kahina Oussedik, at the head of the AminciKA center. She taught me how to dissociate foods. It’s a diet that suits me, but it’s not necessarily valid for everyone.“. So she resorted to what we call a dissociated regime.

What is the dissociated diet?

The dissociated diet, followed by Mathilde Seigner, is not new because it was implemented in 1951 by Herbert MacGolphin Shelton, an American health educator. Concretely, this method assumes that foods should not be mixed within the same meal because some of them could interfere with digestion.

Thus, by ingesting only a similar category of foods (proteins, carbohydrates or lipids), a feeling of lightness appears, the body is satisfied more quickly and food consumption decreases. However, this regime presents risks of nutritional deficiencies and above all, he does not have never been validated by the scientific community.
