Mathematical game: the age question that drives you crazy

Mathematical game the age question that drives you crazy

When you try to solve them using arithmetic reasoning, some age questions can drive you crazy. Quite simply because it is difficult to follow the statement. Fortunately, algebra simplifies everything… but you may think it more sporty to do otherwise.

Take the time to read the statement…

Question: Max is 32 years old. It has twice theage Albane was when he was the age Albane is now. How old is Albane?

Answer: 24 years old

Note x the age difference between Maxime and Albane (so Maxime is 32 when Albane is 32 – x). Maxime was the age that Albane is now x years. According to the statement Albane was then 16 on one side and 32 – 2x years apart, hence 32 – 2x = 16, so x = 8 and the results.

Learn more about Hervé Lehning

Ecole Normale Normale and maths graduate, Hervé Lehning taught his discipline for a good forty years. Crazy about cryptography, member of the Association of encryption and information security reservists, he has in particular pierced the secrets of Henri II’s cipher box.

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Also to discover: The universe of secret codes from Antiquity to the Internet published in 2012 by Ixelles.

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