Maternities too far away: future mothers can be accommodated nearby

Maternities too far away future mothers can be accommodated nearby

  • News
  • Published on 04/27/2022 at 7:19 p.m.,

    Reading 2 mins.

    The information was published in the Official Journal on April 14: pregnant women living more than 45 minutes by motorized transport from a maternity hospital will be able to be accommodated in a “hospital hotel”, covered by the Insurance -Sickness.

    We told you about it at the beginning of April in our article “Midwife, gynecologist, maternity… do you live in an obstetrical desert?” : Many people in France live far from a maternity hospital. A decree published in the Official Journal intends to respond to this problem by announcing the assumption by Health Insurance of temporary accommodation for future mothers.

    Up to five consecutive nights

    Future mothers about to give birth will therefore be able to benefit from care for up to five consecutive nights before their birth and be near the maternity ward at the time of their delivery.

    For future mothers who give birth after term, the system provides “on medical necessity” the implementation of an extension of the duration of the accommodation “until the actual date of delivery”. No supplement will be requested from them on this package which includes overnight stays and meals.

    Follow your pregnancy week by week

    Pathological pregnancies also concerned

    In the event of a health problem related to pregnancy, future mothers can also choose to benefit from these five nights at any time, or even as long as necessary, on “medical assessment”. First carried out on an experimental basis in around forty public and private establishments since 2017, this support has now been extended.

    It aims to enable patients to “stay more comfortably close to their pick-up location” but also “to streamline care in the departments and better manage the available beds by offering patients an alternative to full hospitalization” according to the Ministry of Health.

    What are the terms of access?

    First of all, it is important to mention that these “hospital hotels” are not healthcare establishments, no medical act will be carried out there. In addition, places are limited, however, the future mother can be accompanied by one adult or two minors maximum. In addition, certain criteria must be met in order to access it:

    • You must live more than 45 minutes of motorized travel time under usual conditions, from the nearest maternity ward;
    • And since no care is provided there, the mother-to-be must have a state of health that does not require continuous monitoring by health professionals, neither before nor after hospitalization.

    Taxi rides supported too

    To get to her hospital hotel, the pregnant woman can request that her trip be taken care of, by taxi or via an approved transport company. The only condition being that the organization in question has signed an agreement with the local health insurance organization.

    These covered journeys may also concern journeys made during the eighth and ninth months, as part of the usual monitoring of the pregnancy.
