Matallanas: “Dembélé dropped Chelsea’s offer”

Matallanas Dembele dropped Chelseas offer

Barcelona keep trying to play all their cards to renew Ousmane Dembélé. In recent days they have met once again with the Frenchman’s representative, who is still not renewed and whose future is up in the air. The wish of the club and of Xavi is that he stays, but everything will depend on the will of the player. ‘The Stringer’ of the BE has analyzed it.

-Javier Matallanas: “Dembélé dropped the offer from Chelsea.”

-Julio Polished: “I don’t know if Barça would do well to pay what Dembélé asks for.”

-Luis Flaquer: “Araújo wants to continue, and he let his representative know. If Dembélé wants to continue, he should do the same.”

-Miguel Angel Martin Talavera: “A principle of authority has not been seen since Barça with this issue of Dembélé.”
