Master Master 2025: Here is the recording site

Master Master 2025 Here is the recording site

A new riveting season of “Master’s champion” premieres in SVT. But where was the program really recorded?

“The Champions Master”, which is based on the Belgian format “Eeuwige Roem”, was broadcast for the first time in Sweden in 2009 and has become a real viewing favorite.

During the sixteenth season, which was broadcast in the spring of 2024, the SVT program drew a million audience for several weeks. When the long run returns in the box for the seventeenth time – with premiere on March 9 – it is again under the direction of Micke Leijnegard.

– I have just seen the first episode of this year’s season, and I have rarely cried, laughed and enjoyed so much. It should not be possible after working on this for seventeen years, he has said in a press release before the premiere.

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Micke Leijnegard is the program manager for the Master’s Master 2025. Photo: SVT

Therefore, Emma Dahlström was stopped from the champion’s champion in 2025

In this year’s season, eight former elite athletes compete for the title “Master’s champion”. It’s the cross -country skier Charlotte Kallathe football players Nilla Fischer and Johan ElmanderThe handball player Tobias Karlssonthe basketball player Kalis Loydthe volleyball player Marcus NilssonThe kickbox Thomas Heiderup And the canoeist Markus Oscarsson.

Don’t miss: Master Master 2025: Participants and premiere of the season

Participants in the Master’s Champion 2025. Photo: Janne Danielsson/SVT

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When the participants were first presented, the former Freeski rider was Emma Dahlström one of them. But Dahlström was stopped from participating at the last moment. A few days before departure, she became ill. However, she had been symptom -free for some time when the gang was traveling towards the recording site.

– I had packed my bags and was ready. But an hour before departure they called and said I couldn’t come down. There was not even the opportunity to come later, the production was decided. I am disappointed that they could not be more flexible. They made a decision and were steadfast, Dahlström told Express when.

For the newspaper explained Clara Mannheimerexecutive producer at SVT, decision:

– It is impossible for us to guarantee that a stomach virus does not spread further in the house when the margins are so short. It was an incredibly sad decision to make but it was necessary.

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Emma Dahlström. Photo: Andreas Hillergren/TT

Recording site for the champion’s champion 2025

But for the rest of the participants it carried off south. And you might be wondering where exactly “Master’s champion” 2025 was recorded? News24 asked SVT.

“The recordings are made in the Costa Brava area, ie northeast of Barcelona”, answers Helena Brodén which is the press officer for the program in an email.

The recordings lasted for just a month and all participants live in the same house, which is also shown in the program.

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