Master director celebrates 100 million blockbuster Oppenheimer despite not even being a Nolan fan

Master director celebrates 100 million blockbuster Oppenheimer despite not even

Christopher Nolan’s atomic bomb film Oppenheimer is coming to German cinemas this week, and with its 180 minutes it’s a real strain on the audience’s stamina. Is that worth it? Based on a film legend, the clear answer is yes! Here’s what Taxi Driver writer, The Card Counter director and Facebook power user Paul Schrader revealed about Nolan’s new film.

Paul Schrader has seen Oppenheimer and is thrilled

In case you don’t get up every morning to read a Schrader update: The film legend has been sharing candid opinions and anecdotes from the business on Facebook for years and also likes to offend people. But his latest post is full of praise for Christopher Nolan’s film. Paul Schrader saw it and writes:

OPPENHEIMER. The best and most important film of this century. If you should see a movie in the cinema, it should be Oppenheimer. I’m not a Nolan fanatic, but this movie blows the doors off their hinges.

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For more Schrader posts, follow this Twitter user, who curates a best of the filmmaker’s wisdom, from opinions on ChatGPT, the Sight and Sound list of the greatest films of all time, to Taylor Swift.

That’s what Oppenheimer is all about

J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) is a theoretical physicist and, like his biologist wife Kitty (Emily Blunt), a scientist through and through. As part of the Manhattan Project, as director of the Los Alamos Laboratory, he develops an unprecedentedly dangerous weapon: the atomic bomb.

Men like General Leslie Groves J. (Matt Damon) and Lewis Strauss (Robert Downey Jr.) of the US Atomic Energy Commission look over his shoulder. But does Oppenheimer risk destroying the earth with his invention, or does he deliver his work the other way around to save the world from itself?

Oppenheimer arrives on July 20, 2023 in German cinemas.
