Massive Russian airstrikes in Ukraine

Massive Russian airstrikes in Ukraine




fullscreen Image from a large-scale Russian attack earlier in January against the Ukrainian capital Kiev. Photo: Efrem Lukatsky/AP/TT

Ukraine was subjected to massive Russian shelling on Saturday morning, the Ukrainian Air Force says, writes AFP. A total of 40 missiles and drones are said to have been shot down in at least five of the country’s regions.

According to the country’s air force, among other things, hypersonic Kinzjal robots, which fly ten times faster than the speed of sound, were fired during the Russian attacks.

One person and 26 buildings were damaged in the Sumy region in northeastern Ukraine, according to the country’s attorney general.

In the Chernihiv region of northern Ukraine, the governor says that the Russian attacks caused damage in an unspecified location, but that no one was injured.

In Beryslav in the southern part of the Kherson region, one person has been injured in a Russian attack, according to the Ukrainian authorities.

The Russian Ministry of Defense says in a statement on Saturday that it has knocked out several Ukrainian facilities that are said to manufacture ammunition and drones.
