mass graves discovered in the circle of Niono

mass graves discovered in the circle of Niono

On social networks, photos and videos of dozens of lifeless and charred bodies have been circulating for 24 hours and shock Malians. Several sources confirm to RFI that these people were killed recently near Dogofry, in the circle of Niono, but many questions remain unanswered.

Burned bodies, piled on top of each other… The images that have been circulating since yesterday are hard to bear. The victims, between 35 and 37 according to some local sources, seem mostly to be young men. All have their hands tied behind their backs and their eyes blindfolded.

For the moment, the bodies have not been identified but several elected officials, security sources and experts in the area speak of numerous arrests made by the Malian armed forces in the circle of Niono in recent weeks.

Nampala, Akoumbou, Tangabé, Dianwéli, many witnesses tell us that the Famas go from village to village with arrests, summary executions and looting. Among the charred bodies, local sources tell us that they recognized a shepherd arrested at the exit of the Niono agricultural fair on February 20. The Minusma is concerned about ” these allegations and information and declares the opening of investigations related to human rights.

In the area, the security situation is tense. The conflict between dozo hunters and jihadists has been going on for months, and for some time the Malian army has been trying to regain control of the area.

Contacted by RFI, the Malian army has so far not responded to our requests.
