Mass grave found in conflict-torn Darfur

A mass grave with the remains of at least 87 people has been discovered in conflict-torn Darfur in Sudan, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) announces.

The victims are said to have been killed by the paramilitary RSF forces and its allies, a press release from the UN agency says. The notorious forces have been accused of more atrocities in the region.

RSF (Rapid support forces) is one of two parties in the major conflict going on in Sudan, which is feared to be degenerating into a full-scale civil war. On the other side is the regular Sudanese army. The sides are led by generals who took power in the country together and who have later fallen out with each other.

Darfur is located in western Sudan. Since 2003, the region has been ravaged by a conflict between rebel groups and government-backed militias, such as the so-called Janjawid militias. Those militia groups have been accused of numerous atrocities and genocide in Darfur over the past two decades.

The Janjawid militias later evolved into the RSF forces.
